
新的智庫“對話中國”上個月成立後,這是我們第二次的討論活動。“對話中國”作為中國人為主的一個智庫,我們的panel discussion將有幾個特點:每一次我們都會邀請一位中國學者,異議人士或者民間人士參加討論,未來傾向找一些不是那麼有名,但是瞭解中國的人士;我們希望這不是一次正式的演講,而是圍繞講者的觀點,大家都能發表意見,希望是一個交換意見,也就是對話的平台。




Thank you for joining us at the second monthly panel discussion organized by the Dialogue China. As a think tank for China, our monthly panel discussion will have the following features: first, we will be inviting at least one Chinese scholar, dissident, or activist to participate; in the future we will be looking for people who understand China but are not well exposed in the field. Second, our monthly discussion will be held in a semi-public form. We will send invitations and open some seats to the public audiences. We hope that closed door discussion will be more fruitful. Thridly, we hope this will not be a place for formal speeches. Everyone can express their opinion regarding the topic. We hope this is a platform to exchange opinion, a platform for dialogue.


Because of our financial limitation, we could only hold one such discussion each month. If the think tank is lucky enough to get more financial support, we hope to expand this discussion forum to bi-weekly. Thank you again for your participation.





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Dialogue China

Dialogue China